Our “HEALING & SELF-MASTERY” teachings come from “The School of Remembering” by Drunvalo Melchizedek, “Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork” of the “Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School” by Amorah Quan Yin in Mount Shasta California. Martijn Vroemen is a officially accredited certified practitioner of the teachings and spiritual activations from both schools.

Doing a one off “HEALING & SELF-MASTERY” session will help on a specific issue that you are dealing with. But when you really want to step up into your highest version of your evolution and best version of yourself, participating in one of our “EXPERIENCES” will be the most beneficial.

In a one off private session we can discuss the subject of the issue and work through this issue with one of the “HEALING & SELF-MASTERY” tools we know, listed below. Sessions can be online or in Bali.

1,5 HOURS € 144


YES! I am also work online and our online sessions are proven to be just a powerful and transformative as our in person sessions.

For “Online Energy Healing Journey” sessions we use the same tools from the “The School of Remembering” by Drunvalo Melchizedek, “Pleiadian & Sirian Lightwork” from the “Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School” by Amorah Quan Yin in Mount Shasta California.

1,5 HOURS € 144


This is the introduction package to your “HEALING & SELF-MASTERY” journey of self-adventure, self-affinity, spiritual growth and harmony.

1.     Aura clearing, boundaries protection & clearing exercises, Rainbow Flames Meditation

2.     Clearing chakras negative beliefs, judgements, thought forms, pictures

3.     Clearing agreements/ contracts

4.     De-cording

5.     Ka Template & channels activation (Ka is Egyptian for body)

6.     Dolphin Brain Repatterning

7.     Using Chambers of Light 

8.     Medicine wheel practice, healing & harmonizing subpersonalities

9.     Alignment & blending with Higher Self

10.  Alignment with Cosmic Cycles of time

11.  Alignment with Earth’s Divine Plan, thirteen chakras meditation, anchoring your Pillar of Light from the Great Central Sun

12.  Releasing and transcending attachment to failure and victory 

13.  Goddess Antares & Elohim of Divine Love Activation

14.  Alignment with your Spiritual Mother & Father

15.  Healing Matrix of Inner Child & Mature Adult

16.  The Resurrection process 

17.  Returning to Divine Flow Activation

Private experience € 1.200,- Group experience € 450,- (min 3 people)

The group experience has to kind of naturally emerge. When you are interested in doing a group experience, please register and as soon as we have 3 people minimum, we can do this experience with a group and for the group price that is mentioned.


This 4 hours experience is really the key in your ascension process. It gives you all the tools you need to ascend from the 3rd dimensional plane to the 4th dimensional plane of life on Earth and beyond. For as soon as your Merkaba has been activated, and spinning at the speed of light. Your Light Body is your ascension vehicle into higher levels of consciousness. More information on this experience on our “AWAKENING THE ILLUMINATED HEART CEREMONY” page.

Private experience € 222,-      Group experience € 75,- (min 3 people)

The group experience has to kind of naturally emerge. When you are interested in doing a group experience, please register and as soon as we have 3 people minimum, we can do this experience with a group and for the group price that is mentioned.


For this package you must have done your “SELF-MASTERY” and “ASCENSION CEREMONY” first, before applying for this package. You need this foundation, before continuing with the COSMIC TANTRA EXPERIENCE. Why is this? You must first fully Awaken your Divine Bod, before you are ready to start healing the Soul with Sexual Energy. As the Sexual, Soul and Life Force Energy are inseparable of each other. You can connect with us and discuss, what “SELF-MASTERY” work you have done on yourself and according to the level of carried out work we can decide if you could straight participate in

1.     Self-healing with the Pleiadian & Sirian Archangelic Connection

2.     Healing the Male/ Female split

3.     Reframing repetitive sexual and intimacy patterns

4.     Anger, guilt, blame and shame release

5.     Running Male/ Female sexual energy

6.     Dolphin Brain Balancing Chamber of Light

7.     Cellular clearing, 4 cell clearing 8 original cells clearing

8.     Sacred Geometry Chamber of Light for you Soul, Perineum, Pineal Gland, 108 faceted prism, organs and glands.

9.     Clearing and activating your Kundalini Channels, legs, arms, breasts, genital/ soul, infinity channel

10.  Dolphin Tantra, Dolphin Wave Chamber of Light, Dolphin Moves, self-pleasure for Male/ Female and couples

11.  Using the Egyptian Ankh breath, for eternal life, using the Ankh with Sexual Energy

12.  Cosmic & Earth Kundalini Activation

13.  Sword of Truth and Holy Grail Initiation by Archangel Michael

14.  Sixth dimension activation

15.  Dolphin Star Linking, Planetary/ Stellar Alignment Chamber of Light

16.  Continuing your journey to becoming your Christed Self embodied

Private experience € 1.200,-                  Group experience € 450,- (min 3 people)

The group experience has to kind of naturally emerge. When you are interested in doing a group experience, please register and as soon as we have 3 people minimum, we can do this experience with a group and for the group price that is mentioned.


1.     Going in and out of trance & setting space.

2.     Accessing Akashic Records.

3.     Using Chambers of Light.

4.     Ancestors Trance.

5.     Archangel Michael Sword of Truth & Holy Grail initiation.

6.     Reading and healing the 7 main Chakras.

7.     Clearing Implants & Energy Blocks

8.     Self-Saboteur Process

9.     Subconscious Work

10.  Kundalini Channel Clearing

11.  Deprogramming Process

12.  Depatterning/Repatterning Hands-on

13.  Inner Child work

Become a FSP 1 Pleiadian Lightwork healing practitioner, 13 weeks group experience € 1.300,-

Receive this 13 weeks healing experience. Private experience price € 1.599,-      Group experience price € 599,- (min 3 people)

The group experience has to kind of naturally emerge. When you are interested in doing a group experience, please register and as soon as we have 3 people minimum, we can do this experience with a group and for the group price that is mentioned.


1.     Reading and Healing Subconscious Aspects of 7 Chakras

2.     Healing Unconscious Out-of-body parts

3.     Subpersonality healing

4.     Reading and Healing Astral Body

5.     Reading and Healing Physical, Emotional, Etheric, Mental, Spiritual, Astral Bodies

6.     Soul Affinity Healing

7.     Clearing Black Magic

8.     Nervous System Trauma Healing

Receive this 13 weeks healing experience. Private experience price € 1.599,-      Group experience price € 599,- (min 3 people)

The group experience has to kind of naturally emerge. When you are interested in doing a group experience, please register and as soon as we have 3 people minimum, we can do this experience with a group and for the group price that is mentioned.


1.     Reading and Healing Past Lives

2.     Clearing Telepathic, Clairaudient, Psychic, Genetic Channels

3.     Genetic Deprogramming

4.     Genetic Addiction Deprogramming

5.     Soul Recalibration

6.     Divine Plan Realignment

7.     Male/Female Full Body Reading

8.     Reading Original 8 Cells

9.     Healing Core Issues Holographically

10.  Healing Self Esteem in 7 Chakras

Receive this 13 weeks healing experience. Private experience price € 1.599,-      Group experience price € 599,- (min 3 people)

The group experience has to kind of naturally emerge. When you are interested in doing a group experience, please register and as soon as we have 3 people minimum, we can do this experience with a group and for the group price that is mentioned.

Pleiadian Lightwork - Dolphin Star Temple Mystery School - Teaching of Amorah Quan Yin.

Dolphin Star Temple (DST) is a Mystery School that continues the spiritual traditions begun by the great American healer and teacher Amorah Quan Yin (1950-2013). It is founded on the universal teachings of the ancient Mystery schools of Lemuria, Atlantis, and Egypt. And it also introduces new teachings for the extraordinary time we live in now—many of these teachings have been received from the Ascended Masters and the Archangels, as well as from the Pleiadian, Sirian, and Andromedan Emissaries of Light.

DST is also an international network of healers and teachers who are dedicated to the following principles:

  1. Our purpose here is to evolve in Oneness—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

  2. Every human being is Divine Essence made of light and love whose nature is goodness.

  3. The Earth and all natural existence is sacred.

  4. Free will is an absolute universal right; impeccability calls on the self to surrender to divine will in faith and trust.

DST shares its teaching with everyone through the classes that it offers and through the writings & recordings that it provides.

The ultimate purpose of the DST Mystery School is to trigger a wave of enlightenment throughout the Earth and all her people. Such enlightenment by definition embraces the consciousness of all the beings of the Earth. And even this global enlightenment starts with each individual’s spiritual evolution and personal healing—in alignment with their multidimensional Higher Self and in unity with Divine Oneness.

Full Sensory Perception (FSP) is a program for accelerating your spiritual growth and fulfillment. It is open to everyone who seeks to live in alignment with their Higher Self and to be in the consciousness of Oneness. FSP is the beginning program for everyone participating in the Dolphin Star Temple.

FSP courses are offered in many parts of the world. (See Trainings.) There are three levels to the courses, each of which can vary from 10 to 14 days in total length (depending on the local teacher), and they are often divided into several segments lasting a few days each. You can enroll for each level one-at-a-time and progress at your own pace. (FSP 1 & 2 are prerequisites to the PLI trainings.) There is also an Advanced FSP course that is sometimes offered.

In FSP classes you learn to open your full sensory perceptions of clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and channeling healing energy. It is a path toward wholeness, Oneness, and becoming consciously responsible for aligning with the Divine and maintaining a connection with God/Goddess/All-That-Is. In FSP you learn self-help tools for releasing ego-identity and clearing what holds you back on your spiritual path. Class sessions include group meditations, spiritual teachings, and supervised healing work conducted in pairs.

FSP is for those seeking deep personal healing and clearing. It can be an experience that redirects your life toward your spiritual fulfillment and living in impeccability. It is also for those interested in learning the healing skills needed in order to be a healing practitioner or teacher.

With Pleiadian Ligtwork Full Sensory Perception we dive deep into the inner work of the client, subjects that can be covered are:

Going in and out of trance & setting sacred space, Kundalini Channel Clearing, Accessing Akashic Records, Using Chambers of Light, Clearing Implants & Energy Blocks, Reading and healing the 7 main Chakras, Deprogramming Process, Soul Fragment Retrieval, Soul Matrix Clearing and Healing, Inner Child, Reading and Healing Subconscious Aspects of 7 Chakras, Healing Unconscious Out-of-body parts, Subpersonality healing, Reading and Healing Astral Body, Self-Saboteur Depatterning/Repatterning Hands-on, Reading and Healing Physical, Emotional, Etheric, Mental, Spiritual, Astral Bodies, Soul Affinity Healing, Clearing Black Magic, Nervous System Trauma Healing, Reading and Healing Past Lives, Clearing Telepathic, Clairaudient, Psychic, Genetic Channels, Genetic Deprogramming, Genetic Addiction Deprogramming, Soul Recalibration, Divine Plan Realignment, Male/Female Full Body Reading, Reading Original 8 Cells, Healing Core Issues Holographically, Healing Self Esteem in 7 Chakras and more…

Sessions can take place Online & in person in Bali.

For more information about Pleiadian Lightwork or to book a session please personally inquire or check www.dolphinestartemple.org